Readers of this blog have noticed the irregular schedule of my postings over the summer. My bi-weekly blog began featuring new material every three weeks, and it’s now been about a month since my previous post.
To be honest, I’ve been facing a time crunch. Blogging requires the mental and spiritual space to think, pray, write, revise, and revise again. We’re all volunteers over here on the Ancient Faith platform, and between work, home, and church responsibilities, I’ve been struggling to carve out regular writing time.
And to be really honest, I’ve also discovered that this long season of pandemic, fires, political unrest, social isolation, and extreme weather events has taken a toll. My emotional and creative resources are drained, much like the low water level of a reservoir during a season of drought. Perhaps you’ve felt this way too during the past few months.

So, I’m taking a break. Rather than sputtering along erratically—complaining yet again, “Lord, it’s all cobwebs in here!”—I will step away for the next six to eight weeks, and with God’s grace I hope to refresh and recharge. The hiatus (sounds more official, doesn’t it?) will also give me time to concentrate on researching and writing a new series that I had begun before the pandemic, called “Stumbling Stones on the Orthodox Road.”
I’ve often said that I’m writing the blog that I wish had existed when I first began my journey to Orthodoxy. I was often confused, often uncomfortable, and yet drawn to the beauty and holiness that I found in the Church. The upcoming series of posts will, as always, focus on this messy experiential side of living and learning Orthodox Christianity, with an honest look at the barriers, or stumbling stones, that can make hikers want to turn away from this strange and ancient path.
I hope to return later this autumn with some news and some fresh material that I pray will help and encourage readers, wherever you are on your spiritual journey.
And if you could take a moment to pray for me, I would greatly appreciate it.
Dearest Lynette,
As a new reader to your blog, I am excited to know you will continue writing, researching, and reflecting. May God grant you much grace during this time. In the meanwhile, we can all go back in the archives and enjoy reading or RE-reading your past posts. Your honesty is heartwarming.
Be not dismayed! God has always been or is or shall be in control. Let’s not let the enemy steal our joy. He is our immovable rock, and for that, we should rejoice. There are so many terrible and scary things going on now in our world, but history also has gone thru many scenarios. God has not deserted us. Let us all continue to draw nigh unto God with sincere repentance, love, and steadfastness.
With love in Christ,
You have such a gift of encouragement. Thank you!
May God grant you peace and renewed energy!
I am a cradle Orthodox who has learned so much from every one of your posts. I’ve also forwarded many of them to friends, both other cradle Orthodox and many who are new to the faith, who have enjoyed them as well. While I’ll miss your posts during the break, I look forward to their return.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
Lynette I will certainly pray for you.
I came to Ancient Faith blogs today with the exact sentiment that you expressed. As you wrote, “I’ve also discovered that this long season of pandemic, fires, political unrest, social isolation, and extreme weather events has taken a toll.” What a gift to find your words.
I too am experiencing confusion and am lurching along, moving toward and then away from Orthodoxy. After a three month hiatus, I’m once again turning back toward the process of being a catechumen. And for the very reason that the beauty and truth of the Church continue to draw me.
I wish you many blessings in your journey.
May God bless you also on your journey, Kathy! It’s definitely a bumpy road, but there is tremendous peace and settledness in the Church. I pray you will persevere. 🙂